Friday, 25 March 2016


Names, Titles and Characters of Jesus Christ

I.—And Simon Peter Answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God. Mat 16:16
The Son1Jo 4:14
The Son of GodJhn 1:34
The Son of the living GodMat 16:16
His only begotten SonJhn 3:16
The Son of the Father1Jo 1:3
The only begotten of the FatherJhn 1:14
The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the FatherJhn 1:18
The first-born of every creatureCol 1:15
His own SonRom 8:32
A Son givenIsa 9:6
One Son (his well-beloved)Mar 12:6
My SonPsa 2:7
His dear Son (or the Son of his love)Col 1:13
The Son of the HighestLuk 1:32
The Son of the BlessedMar 14:61
SecretJdg 13:18
WonderfulIsa 9:6
Testimony borne to the Son by the Father, by Jesus Himself, by the Spirit, by Angels, saints, men and devils.
The Father, "My Beloved Son."Mat 17:5
Jesus Himself, "I am the Son of God."Jhn 10:36
The Spirit, "The Son of God."Mar 1:1
Gabriel, "The Son of God."Luk 1:352:11
John Baptist, "This is the Son of God."Jhn 1:34
John, Apostle, "The Christ, the Son of God."Jhn 20:31
Paul, Apostle, "He is the Son of God."Act 9:20
Disciples, "Thou art the Son of God."Mat 14:33
Nathaniel, "Rabbi, thou art the Son of God."Jhn 1:49
Martha, "The Christ, the Son of God."Jhn 11:27
Eunuch, "Jesus Christ is the Son of God."Act 8:37
Centurion, "Truly this was the Son of God."Mar 15:39
Unclean spirits, "Thou art the Son of God."Mar 3:11
The Legion, "Thou Son of the Most High God."Mar 5:7
II.—Unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever. Hbr 1:8
GodJhn 1:1Mat 1:23;Isa 40:3
Thy throne, O God, is for ever and everHbr 1:8
The Mighty GodIsa 9:6
The Everlasting GodIsa 40:28
The True God1Jo 5:20
My Lord and my GodJhn 20:28
God my SaviourLuk 1:47
Over all, God blessed for ever. AmenRom 9:5
The God of the whole earthIsa 54:5
God manifest in the flesh1Ti 3:16
Our God and Savior2Pe 1:1
The great God and our Saviour, Jesus ChristTts 2:13
Emanuel, God with usMat 1:23
The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, The God of JacobExd 3:26
The HighestLuk 1:76
III.—Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. Jhn 8:58. Holy, Holy, Holy is Jehovah of Hosts. Isa 6:3
JehovahIsa 40:3
The Lord JehovahIsa 40:10
Jehovah my GodZec 14:5
Jehovah of HostsIsa 6:3Jhn 12:41
Jehovah, God of HostsHsa 12:45;Gen 32:24
The King, Jehovah of HostsIsa 6:5
The Strong and Mighty JehovahPsa 24:8
Jehovah, mighty in battlePsa 24:8
The Man, Jehovah's FellowZec 13:7
Jehovah-tsidkenu (the Lord our righteousness)Jer 23:6
The LordRom 10:13Joe 2:32
The Lord of Glory1Cr 2:8
The SameHbr 1:12Psa 102:27
I amExd 3:14Jhn 8:24
I am (before Abraham was)Jhn 8:58
I am (whom they sought to kill)Jhn 18:56
I am (the Son of Man lifted up)Jhn 8:28
I am (the Resurrection and the Life)Jhn 11:25
IV.—He is before All things, and by Him All things consist. Col 1:17
The Almighty, which is, and which was, and which is to comeRev 1:8
The Creator of all thingsCol 1:16
The Upholder of all thingsHbr 1:3
The Everlasting Father (or Father of Eternity)Isa 9:6
The BeginningCol 1:18
The Beginning and the EndingRev 1:8
The Alpha and the OmegaRev 1:8
The First and the LastRev 1:17
The Life1Jo 1:2
Eternal Life1Jo 5:20
That Eternal Life which was with the Father1Jo 1:2
He that livethRev 1:18
V.—No man hath seen God at any time; he hath Declared Him. Jhn 1:18
The WordJhn 1:1
The Word was with GodJhn 1:1
The Word was GodJhn 1:1
The Word of GodRev 19:13
The Word of Life1Jo 1:1
The Word was made fleshJhn 1:14
The Image of God2Cr 4:4
The Image of the Invisible GodCol 1:15
The Express Image of his PersonHbr 1:3
The Brightness of his GloryHbr 1:3
WisdomPro 8:1222
The Wisdom of God1Cr 1:24
The Power of God1Cr 1:24
My MessengerIsa 42:19
The Messenger of the CovenantMal 3:1
The Angel of JehovahGen 22:15
The Angel of GodGen 31:1113;Exd 14:19
The Angel of his presenceIsa 63:9
VI.—Thou hast made Him a little lower than the angels. Hbr 2:7
The ManJhn 19:5
The Man Christ Jesus1Ti 2:5
A Man approved of GodAct 2:22
The Second Man, the Lord from heaven1Cr 15:47
The Son of ManMar 10:33
The Son of AbrahamMat 1:1
The Son of DavidMat 1:1
The Son of MaryMar 6:3
The Son of Joseph (reputed)Jhn 1:45
The Seed of the WomanGen 3:15
The Seed of AbrahamGal 3:1619
Of the Seed of DavidRom 1:3
VII.—Lo, I Come, to do thy will, O God. Hbr 10:9
The BabeLuk 2:12
The ChildIsa 7:16
The Young ChildMat 2:20
A Child BornIsa 9:6
The Child JesusLuk 2:43
Her First-Born SonLuk 2:7
The Sent of the FatherJhn 10:36
The ApostleHbr 3:1
A ProphetAct 3:2223
A Great ProphetLuk 7:16
The Prophet of NazarethMat 21:11
A Prophet mighty in deed and wordLuk 24:19
A ServantPhl 2:7
The Servant of the FatherMat 12:18
My Servant, O IsraelIsa 49:3
My Servant, the BranchZec 3:8
My Righteous ServantIsa 53:11
A Servant of RulersIsa 49:7
A Nazarene, or NazariteMat 2:23
The CarpenterMar 6:3
The Carpenter's Son (reputed)Mat 13:55
He Humbled Himself unto deathPhl 2:8
A Stranger and an AlienPsa 69:8
A Man of SorrowsIsa 53:3
A Worm, and no ManPsa 22:6
Accursed of God (or the Curse of God)Deu 21:23
VIII.—God hath given him A Name which is above every name. Phl 2:910
JesusMat 1:21
Jesus HimselfLuk 24:15
I, JesusRev 22:16
A Saviour, JesusAct 13:23
The Saviour of the World1Jo 4:14
A Saviour, which is Christ the LordLuk 2:11
Jesus ChristRev 1:5
The Lord Jesus ChristCol 1:2
Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself2Th 2:16
Jesus the ChristMat 16:20
Jesus Christ our LordRom 5:21
Jesus Christ the Righteous1Jo 2:1
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, to-day and for everHbr 13:8
Jesus of NazarethAct 22:8
Jesus Christ of NazarethAct 4:10
Lord JesusAct 7:59
Christ Jesus1Ti 1:15
ChristMat 23:8
Messiah, which is called ChristJhn 4:25
AnointedPsa 2:2Act 4:27
Christ the LordLuk 2:11
The Lord ChristCol 3:24
The Christ of GodLuk 9:20
The Lord's ChristLuk 2:26
The Christ, the Son of the BlessedMar 14:61
The Christ, the Saviour of the WorldJhn 4:42
IX.—Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and blessing. Rev 5:12
The Lamb of GodJhn 1:29
A Lamb without blemish and without spot1Pe 1:19
The Lamb that was slainRev 5:12
A Lamb as it had been slainRev 5:6
The Lamb in the midst of the throneRev 7:17
The BridegroomMat 9:15Rev 21:9
The Lamb (the Temple of the City)Rev 21:22
The Lamb (the Light of the City)Rev 21:23
The Lamb (the Overcomer)Rev 17:14
X.—I will set up One Shepherd over them, and he shall feed them. Eze 34:23
One ShepherdJhn 10:16
Jehovah's ShepherdZec 13:7
The Shepherd of the SheepHbr 13:20
The WayJhn 14:6
The Door of the SheepJhn 10:7
The Shepherd of IsraelEze 34:23
The Shepherd and Bishop of Souls1Pe 2:25
The Good Shepherd (that laid down his life)Jhn 10:11
The Great Shepherd (that was brought again from the dead)Hbr 13:20
The Chief Shepherd (that shall again appear)1Pe 5:4
XI.—The Tree of Life in the midst of the Paradise of God. Rev 2:7
The Root of JesseIsa 11:10
The Root of DavidRev 5:5
The Root and Offspring of DavidRev 22:16
A Rod out of the stem of JesseIsa 11:1
A Branch out of his rootsIsa 11:1
The BranchZec 6:12
The Branch of the LordIsa 4:2
The Branch of RighteousnessJer 33:15
A Righteous BranchJer 23:5
The Branch strong for thyselfPsa 80:15
The VineJhn 15:5
The True VineJhn 15:1
The Tree of LifeRev 2:7
The Corn of WheatJhn 12:24
The Bread of GodJhn 6:33
The True Bread from HeavenJhn 6:32
The Bread which came down from HeavenJhn 6:41
The Bread which cometh down from HeavenJhn 6:50
The Bread of LifeJhn 6:35
The Living BreadJhn 6:51
The Hidden MannaRev 2:17
A Plant of RenownEze 34:29
The Rose of SharonSgs 2:1
The Lily of the ValleySgs 2:1
A Bundle of MyrrhSgs 1:13
A Cluster of CamphireSgs 1:14
XII.—I am the Light of the world; he that followeth me shall have the Light of Life.Jhn 8:12
The LightJhn 12:35
The True LightJhn 1:9
A Great LightIsa 9:2
A Light came into the worldJhn 12:46
The Light of the worldJhn 8:12
The Light of menJhn 1:4
A Light to lighten the GentilesLuk 2:32
A Light of the GentilesIsa 42:6
A StarNum 24:17
The Morning StarRev 2:28
The Bright and Morning StarRev 22:16
The Day Star2Pe 1:19
The Day-spring from on HighLuk 1:78
The Sun of RighteousnessMal 4:2
XIII.—The name of the Lord is a Strong Tower. Pro 18:10
The Strength of the children of IsraelJoe 3:12-16
A Strength to the PoorIsa 25:4
A Strength to the needy in distressIsa 25:4
A Refuge from the StormIsa 25:4
A Covert from the TempestIsa 32:2
The Hope of his peopleJoe 3:12-16
A Horn of SalvationLuk 1:69
XIV.—They drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.1Cr 10:4
The RockMat 16:18
My Strong RockPsa 31:2
The Rock of AgesIsa 26:4
The Rock that is higher than IPsa 61:2
My Rock and my FortressPsa 31:3
The Rock of my StrengthPsa 62:7
The Rock of my RefugePsa 94:22
A Rock of HabitationPsa 71:3
The Rock of my HeartPsa 73:26
The Rock of my Salvation2Sa 22:47
My Rock and my RedeemerPsa 19:14
That Spiritual Rock1Cr 10:4
The Rock that followed them1Cr 10:4
A Shadow from the HeatIsa 25:4
XV.—Other Foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.1Cr 3:11
The BuilderHbr 3:3Mat 16:18
The Foundation1Cr 3:11
A Sure FoundationIsa 28:16
A StoneIsa 28:16
A Living Stone1Pe 2:4
A Tried StoneIsa 28:16
A Chief Corner-stone1Pe 2:6
An Elect Stone1Pe 2:6
A Precious Stone1Pe 2:6
The Head Stone of the CornerPsa 118:22
A Stone cut out without handsDan 2:3445
But unto them which are disobedient,-
    A Stone of Stumbling1Pe 2:8
    A Rock of Offence1Pe 2:8
XVI.—In His Temple every Whit of it uttereth His glory. Psa 29:9
The TempleRev 21:22
A SanctuaryIsa 8:14
The Minister of the Sanctuary and of the True TabernacleHbr 8:2
Minister of the CircumcisionRom 15:8
The Veil (his flesh)Hbr 10:20
The AltarHbr 13:10
The OffererHbr 7:27
The OfferingEph 5:2
The SacrificeEph 5:2
A Ransom (his life)Mar 10:49
The LambRev 7:9
The Lamb SlainRev 13:8
Within the Veil--
    The Forerunner (for us entered, even Jesus)Hbr 6:20
    The Mercy-seat (or Propitiation)Rom 3:25
    The PriestHbr 5:6
    The High PriestHbr 3:1
    The Great High PriestHbr 4:14
    The Mediator1Ti 2:5
    The DaysmanJob 9:33
    The InterpreterJob 33:23
    The IntercessorHbr 7:25
    The Advocate1Jo 2:1
    The SuretyHbr 7:22
XVII.—A Gift is a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it; whithersoever it turneth, it prospereth. Pro 17:8
The Gift of GodJhn 4:103:16
His Unspeakable Gift2Cr 9:15
My Beloved, in whom my soul is well pleasedMat 12:18
Mine Elect, in whom my soul delightethIsa 42:1
The Holy Child JesusAct 4:27
The Chosen of GodLuk 23:35
The Salvation of GodLuk 2:30
The Salvation of the daughter of ZionIsa 62:11
The RedeemerIsa 59:20
The Shiloh (Peace-Maker)Gen 49:10
The Consolation of IsraelLuk 2:25
The BlessedPsa 77:17
The Most Blessed for everPsa 21:6
XVIII.—Who was Faithful to Him that appointed him. Hbr 3:2
The TruthJhn 14:6
The Faithful and TrueRev 19:11
A Covenant of the peopleIsa 42:6
The Testator or CovenanterHbr 9:1617
The Faithful WitnessRev 1:5
The Faithful and True WitnessRev 3:14
A Witness to the PeopleIsa 55:4
The AmenRev 3:14
XIX.—He that is Holy, he that is True. Rev 3:7
The Just1Pe 3:18
The Just OneAct 7:52
Thine Holy OneAct 2:27
The Holy One and the JustAct 3:14
The Holy One of IsraelIsa 49:7
The Holy One of GodMar 1:24
Holy, Holy, HolyIsa 6:3Jhn 12:41
XX.—That in All things he might have the Pre-Eminence. Col 1:18
The Beginning of the Creation of GodRev 3:14
My First-BornPsa 89:27
The First-Born from the deadCol 1:18
The First-Begotten of the deadRev 1:5
The First-Born among many BrethrenRom 8:29
The First-Fruits of them that slept1Cr 15:20
The Last Adam1Cr 15:45
The ResurrectionJhn 11:25
A Quickening Spirit1Cr 15:45
The Head (even Christ)Eph 4:15
The Head of the Body, the ChurchCol 1:18
The Head over all things to the ChurchEph 1:22
The Head of every Man1Cr 11:3
The Head of all Principality and PowerCol 2:10
XXI.—Gird thy Sword upon thy thigh, O Most Mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty.Psa 45:3
The Captain of the Host of the LordJos 5:14
The Captain of SalvationHbr 2:10
The Author and Finisher of FaithHbr 12:2
A LeaderIsa 55:4
A CommanderIsa 55:4
A RulerMic 5:2
A GovernorMat 2:6
The DelivererRom 11:26
The Lion of the Tribe of JudahRev 5:5
An Ensign of the PeopleIsa 11:10
The Chiefest among Ten Thousand (in an army)Sgs 5:10
A Polished ShaftIsa 49:2
The ShieldPsa 84:9
XXII.—All Power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Mat 28:18
The Lord1Cr 12:3
One LordEph 4:5
God hath made that same Jesus both Lord and ChristAct 2:36
Lord of LordsRev 17:14
King of KingsRev 17:14
Lord both of the dead and livingRom 14:9
Lord of the SabbathLuk 6:5
Lord of Peace2Th 3:16
Lord of allAct 10:36
Lord over allRom 10:12
XXIII.—Him hath God Exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour. Act 5:31
The Messiah the PrinceDan 9:25
The Prince of LifeAct 3:15
A Prince and a SaviourAct 5:31
The Prince of PeaceIsa 9:6
The Prince of PrincesDan 8:25
The Prince of the Kings of the earthRev 1:5
A Prince (among Israel)Eze 34:24
The Glory of thy people IsraelLuk 2:32
He that filleth all in allEph 1:23
XXIV.—He shall reign for ever and ever. Rev 11:15
The JudgeAct 17:31
The Righteous Judge2Ti 4:8
The KingZec 14:16
The King of KingsRev 19:16
Lord of LordsRev 19:16
A Sceptre (out of Israel)Num 24:17
The King's SonPsa 72:1
David their KingJer 30:9
The King of IsraelJhn 1:49
King of the daughter of ZionJhn 12:15
The King of the Jews (born)Mat 2:215:2
The King of the Jews (crucified)Jhn 19:19
The King of Saints or King of NationsRev 15:3
King over all the EarthZec 14:459
The King of RighteousnessHbr 7:2
The King of PeaceHbr 7:2
The King of GloryPsa 24:10
The King in his beautyIsa 33:17
He sitteth King for everPsa 29:10
Crowned with a Crown of ThornsJhn 19:2
Crowned with Glory and HonorHbr 2:9
Crowned with a Crown of Pure GoldPsa 21:3
Crowned with many CrownsRev 19:12
Allusions, Characteristics and Epithets
As a Refiner's Fire. As Fuller's SoapMal 3:2
As the Light of the Morning when the sun riseth, a morning without clouds. As the Tender Grass by clear shining after rain2Sa 23:4
As a Tender Plant (to God). As a Root out of a dry ground (to man)Isa 53:2
As Rain upon the mown grass. As Showers that water the earthPsa 72:6
As Rivers of Water in a dry place. As the Shadow of a great Rock in a weary land. As an Hiding-place from the windIsa 32:2
As Ointment poured forthSgs 1:3
Fairer than the Children of MenPsa 45:2
A glorious high Throne from the beginning is the place of our sanctuaryJer 17:12
For a Glorious Throne to his father's houseIsa 22:23
A Crown of Glory and BeautyIsa 28:5
A Stone of GracePro 17:8
Nail fastened in a sure placeIsa 22:23
A Brother born for adversityPro 17:17
A Friend that sticketh closer than a brotherPro 18:24
A Friend that loveth at all timesPro 17:17
His Countenance is as the sunRev 1:16
His Countenance is as LebanonSgs 5:15
Yea. He is altogether lovely. This is my beloved and my FriendSgs 5:16
Consider Him
He was ObedientPhl 2:8
He was Meek, LowlyMat 11:29
He was Guileless1Pe 2:22
He was TemptedHbr 4:15
He was OppressedIsa 53:7
He was DespisedIsa 53:3
He was RejectedIsa 53:3
He was BetrayedMat 27:3
He was CondemnedMar 14:64
He was Reviled1Pe 2:23
He was ScourgedJhn 19:1
He was MockedMat 27:29
He was WoundedIsa 53:5
He was BruisedIsa 53:5
He was StrickenIsa 53:4
He was SmittenIsa 53:4
He was CrucifiedMat 27:35
He was ForsakenPsa 22:1
He is MercifulHbr 2:17
He is FaithfulHbr 2:17
He is Holy, HarmlessHbr 7:26
He is UndefiledHbr 7:26
He is SeparateHbr 7:26
He is PerfectHbr 5:9
He is GloriousIsa 49:5
He is MightyIsa 63:1
He is Justified1Ti 3:16
He is ExaltedAct 2:33
He is RisenLuk 24:6
He is GlorifiedAct 3:13
The Lord is my Portion
My Maker, HusbandIsa 54:5
My Well-belovedSgs 1:13
My Saviour2Pe 3:18
My Hope1Ti 1:1
My BrotherMar 3:35
My PortionJer 10:16
My HelperHbr 13:6
My PhysicianJer 8:22
My HealerLuk 9:11
My RefinerMal 3:3
My PurifierMal 3:3
My Lord, MasterJhn 13:13
My ServantLuk 12:37
My ExampleJhn 13:15
My TeacherJhn 3:2
My ShepherdPsa 23:1
My KeeperJhn 17:12
My FeederEze 34:23
My LeaderIsa 40:11
My RestorerPsa 23:3
My Resting-placeJer 50:6
My Meat (his flesh)Jhn 6:55
My Drink (his blood)Jhn 6:55
My Passover1Cr 5:7
My PeaceEph 2:14
My Wisdom1Cr 1:30
My Righteousness1Cr 1:30
My Sanctification1Cr 1:30
My Redemption1Cr 1:30
My All in AllCol 3:11

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